I've loved my career as an event planner because of the buzz I could feel from people getting together and experiencing something different from their day to day life. It was almost 13 years of my life and it was often challenging but also truly rewarding. A few years ago something shifted as I experienced the biggest buzz of all; the birth of my son. I knew that life was going to change, but little did I know that it would lead me to today, to the beginning of something better, to the birth of Poppy and Jack.
Giving birth was the most empowering experience of my life. But if you'd asked me during my first trimester how I pictured the birth, it would have been a very different story. I would have told you that if it was up to me, I'd prefer to be knocked out and then woken up again once baby was there... But then I heard about Hypnobirthing and decided to explore the method everyone was raving about.
I felt strong and in control, and this is what I want to share with other women and their partners.
The in-person group course I attended back then completely transformed how I felt and what I wanted for myself and for my baby. I understood my body and the maternity care system better. And after a few weeks practicing the techniques, I felt more calm, positive and ready than I ever thought was possible. The birth was different than what I had visualised, but I felt strong and in control, and this is what I want to share with expectant parents. I want these empowering emotions surrounding birth to become the new norm. Women and all birthing people deserve better than what is given by our overwhelmed and over-medicalised maternity system.
Hypnobirthing and the demand for positive birth preparation courses is growing and I'm thrilled and humbled by what lies ahead for Poppy & Jack and for all the mums and dads who will join me on this amazing and transformative journey.
To keep up with all the latest updates on my upcoming Hypnobirthing courses and events, as well as inspiring information on all things Pregnancy, Birth, and Motherhood, please be sure to follow me on Instagram: @poppyandjackhypnobirthing and Facebook: @poppyandjack.