This simple labour tip that I teach as part of the KGH method is a great tool for parents who are teaming up to prepare for a calm and gentle birth experience. You can practice it whilst listening to your Hypnobirthing relaxation tracks or simply some relaxing music in the evening.
The key here, like with many other tools I provide, is to practice it together during pregnancy so it will become second nature during labour. Practicing it in the evening after a busy day is also a great way to relieve all the tensions you might have accumulated and to feel calmer and more relaxed as you go to bed.
Here are the very easy steps to follow:

1. Find a comfortable position (here are some examples):
Kneeling on the sofa with your head resting on cushions on the back of the sofa.
Sitting on a chair facing backwards with your head resting on a cushion (or your arms) on the back of the chair - see illustration below.
Sitting on a birth ball with your head resting against some supportive furniture (preferably something soft like an armchair).
During labour, if you are in the labour ward, you can be kneeling on the bed with your head rested on the raised top part of the bed.
In a birth pool, kneeling, with your head resting against the side of the pool. Dad would need to be in the pool with you.
Standing and leaning forward, supported by furniture (like on this picture).
2. Partner to stand, sit or kneel behind mum.

3. Partner to start stroking very very gently with the back of the hands – so gently it is almost as if the fingers are floating off the surface of the skin. Starting on the coccyx (at the bottom of the spine), slowly and gently moving hands straight up the centre of the back, all the way up the spine, and when they get to the top of the back, stroking outwards across the shoulders and then back down both sides of the back.
4. Partner to repeat this motion for as long as you want…
This is a great way to relax during pregnancy, but it’s also a wonderful tool for labour.
Here is the logic behind it:
it gently soothes the whole of the central nervous system.
it stimulates the comfort hormones (endorphins) – your own natural pain relief.
it boosts Oxytocin – helping labour progress!
You can also use some essential oil (apply inside your wrists with a little roller stick) or spray the cushion/ pillow you are resting on with a lavender pillow spray for extra calm and comfort!
Note: If your partner can’t reach your back for one reason or another (you are resting with your back against the side of the pool or bed, or if baby is born by caesarean section for example), they can still use the Gentle Stroke on your arms, thighs, or abdomen. This will still support you feeling relaxed and more comfortable.
Photo: @monetnicolebirths
Illustration: The Hypnobirthing Book by Katharine Graves