As you prepare for one of the most profound journeys of your life, it's essential to create an environment that supports your physical and emotional needs. The ambiance of your birthing space can significantly impact your birthing experience, and dimming the lights and embracing darkness can be a valuable tool in creating a calm and serene environment for labour and birth.

In this blog post, we'll look into the benefits of a dark birthing environment and why it's so important to consider it when preparing for labour and birth. I'll also share with you a few practical tips on how to create a comforting and dimly-lit birthing bubble, regardless of where you choose to welcome your little one.
The Benefits of a Dimmed Birth Environment
Promotes calm, relaxation and comfort
A darkened environment creates a sense of calm and peace which will help reduce any stress and anxiety and release any tension in the birthing body. This can lead to a more gentle and comfortable labour experience.
According to a study published in the Journal of Perinatal Education, women who gave birth in a darkened room had lower levels of stress hormones and reported less pain during labour compared to women who gave birth in a brightly lit room.
Darkness also supports a feeling of privacy. When we feel safe, relaxed, and unobserved we are able to release the perfect cocktail of hormones, including Oxytocin, the hormone that is responsible for effective labour surges (contractions).This means that a dark environment can support a smoother and quicker labour and birth.
It's also important to point out that when the lights are low, you are less likely to be distracted by your surroundings, which can help you to focus on the breathing and relaxation techniques you may have learned as part of your birth prep.
Increased Melatonin Production
Another benefit of darkness during childbirth is that it can increase the production of melatonin, a hormone that regulates sleep and wakefulness and is also involved in the onset of labour. Ever thought why so many labours start at night, sometime stall as the sun rises, and start again at dusk? By increasing melatonin production, darkness can help to promote the onset and progression of labour.
Enhanced Bonding
Creating a womb-like (dark and cosy) environment during the first hours after birth can also support early-bonding between you and your baby. Spending time in a quiet and peaceful environment with uninterrupted skin-to-skin contact and breastfeeding has shown to contribute to a more positive and empowering birth experience. It will also benefits your baby who will be able to adjust gently to their life earth-side.
Practical Tips to Create a Calm and Peaceful Birth Bubble.
Turn off any overhead lights and use alternative light sources such as small reading lights.
Opt for complete darkness and use fairy lights and candles (you can still use LED candles in a hospital setting).
Mention that a dimmed environment is important to you on your birth plan so your care provider can support it.
During the daytime, draw the curtains or close the blinds, and wear sunglasses during transfer or while waiting in triage.
If you're having a c-section, ask for the lights to be dimmed outside the operating area.
Other ideas:
use an eye mask.
place a scarf dabbed with soothing essential oil over your head.

Beautiful photos from Ebony Allen Ankins