Progressive antenatal education empowers expectant parents to have a deeper, more meaningful, and personally significant experience of childbirth. Here is why.
Traditional Antenatal Classes: Birth as They Experience It.
In traditional antenatal education, expectant parents often learn about birth from the perspective of care providers. This might include what to expect in a medicalised birth environment, the comparative strength of pharmaceutical pain relief, the reasons why interventions are offered and, perhaps most importantly, who's in charge in the labour ward (generally anyone but you). However, the question arises: Do many women come out of these classes feeling empowered and eagerly anticipating the birth of their baby? While I cannot speak for everyone, my gut feeling suggests that most likely not…
Progressive Antenatal Education: Reclaiming Control of Your Birth
Progressive antenatal education offers an invitation for women and birthing people to reclaim control of their birth experience. It emphasises the importance of understanding not only what's happening within your body but also within the care system. When faced with potential interventions, you need to see the bigger picture, one not driven by convenience or influenced by a collapsing system prioritising cost efficiency over long-term patient health and wellbeing. Progressive antenatal education does not advocate for refusing support from care providers; rather, it empowers you to say 'Yes, please' or 'No, thank you' and equips birth partners with the tools to advocate for you and ensure your voice is heard.
For some, facilitating births might be just another day in the office, but for you, it's the day you will hold your child for the first time - the day you will remember for the rest of your life. Progressive antenatal classes support you to reclaim the profoundness of your birth experience.
Knowledge is Power: Understanding Your Options
By the end of your birth preparation course, you should not only be aware of your pain relief options but, most importantly, fully informed about your rights in the birth room, regardless of where you choose to give birth. It's simple; failing to educate yourself about your choices leaves you with none. It is disheartening to hear women agreeing to interventions without the awareness that they can ask about alternative options, or without the knowledge that they should be given all the benefits and risks involved in order to make well-informed decisions. Birth is a transformational event, and you deserve to be supported in choosing what's right for you and your baby.
Embracing Diversity: Acknowledging Individualities
Progressive antenatal education celebrates your individuality. It recognises that all women and birthing people have different needs, and supports them in planning an experience that reflects who they are and what matters most to them.
Empowering Birth Experiences: Trusting Your Inner Strength
Progressive antenatal education provides you with the knowledge and tools to trust your inner strength and positively influence your childbirth experience. Quality antenatal education results in more empowering births, regardless of how it enfolds.
Conclusion: Preparing for Your Unique Birth Experience
Preparing for the birth of your child is an essential and transformative process. Choosing progressive antenatal classes empowers you to be in control of your the journey, enabling you to make informed decisions that align with your preferences and needs. By embracing the power of knowledge and of agency, you can pave the way for a positive childbirth experience - for both you and your baby.
You've got this, and I've got you! For more information about my Complete Birth Preparation Course, click here.