There is one thing that I know for sure: women are incredibly strong. But from the youngest age, we are constantly being fed the idea that we are weak. The maternity system infantilises women as they go through what should be the most empowering time of their lives. How many of us have been told "good girl" during labour, as if this is ever an appropriate way to address an individual in a position of strength and power! What is maddening is that it is often said with good intention by another woman who acquired this patriarchal language through years of training and conditioning. It is highly reflective of how much still needs to be done to breakdown the demeaning treatment and language that women receive in our society.
We learn from the youngest age that the birthing experience is the ultimate punishment for humankind, when in fact we should grow up learning about the power that we hold and the wonders of our amazing bodies! We are then so poorly supported to learn about our rights and choices when it comes to care in pregnancy and labour. Our power is taken away without even a chance for us to realise it!
There is so much guilt in motherhood, guilt of not being enough, of not doing enough or not well enough... and it often starts during pregnancy and through childbirth. I believe that women don't fail growing and birthing their babies, the patriarchal society we live in fails us and it's time to change this one birth at a time!
I'm here to support you and to make your birth the empowering experience you deserve. For more information about my birth preparation classes, click here. You can also book a free call if you have any questions about the support I offer here.
With love,