In the last days of pregnancy, significant physiological changes are taking place so that you and your baby are prepared for the birth. Here is how it goes:
💫 Baby's organs are fully matured and lungs are prepared for breathing.
💫 Baby releases a specific hormone to the placenta.
💫 Placenta transforms the hormone released by baby into oestrogen.
💫 Oestrogen starts flowing through mothers bloodstream and initiates necessary adaptations for the pregnant body to labour.
Perfect examples of those adaptations are new connections between uterine muscle cells and increased number of oxytocin receptors in the uterus, which together will facilitate strong and effective surges (contractions) during birth.
Other hormones are also released, such as prostaglandin which ripen and soften the cervix, or beta-endorphins as a natural pain relief.
Recent studies also suggest that the final prompt also comes from baby's lungs as they release a protein called surfactant into the mother's bloodstream, which acts as an inflammatory and creates an immune response. At that point, her body receives the signal that baby needs to get out. Mind blowing, right?
There are of course many variations of normal, we are all different, and our babies are no exception. Some will take a bit longer than others to be ready, and some will be in more of a rush to meet you! But hopefully this knowledge can help you to trust the natural process, and approach the last few weeks of pregnancy as precious time for you and your baby to prepare together to enter the beautiful and powerful dance of labour.

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Photo by @monetnicolebirths